The Ending…NEW The Piper’s Call

Go to the bottom of the page to read about The Pipers Call and see a clue in the new video.

I had a story I wanted to tell even before The Division Bell was released. Then when I heard the album, which shockingly told my original story along with images, I was happy to have the support.

I was the only fan who could interpret the clues in the album artwork and the anonymous Publius messages. I am the only one who can tell the complete story.

Since 1994, I’ve kept the story and the answers to the Publius Enigma in my memory. Unfortunately, some fans lost interest in it, so for years, I gave up trying to tell it. Knowing what so many fans were looking for was a burden. The fans didn’t believe me because they wanted objective evidence, not just the clues or what seemed like a coincidence.

Over the years, I’d occasionally review the Publius posts and try to finish the puzzle. I finally found the piece that tied everything together. I knew most of the story behind The Division Bell lyrics and artwork. When you live the story, you know it.

Music is much more than just lyrics and melody. It’s communication for musicians through which they express themselves. Reading the story, it should be obvious why no musician can come out and say anything. At least not yet.

I will always believe that The Division Bell uniquely saved me for a time, and it’s what I prayed to God for. It was a message of hope from David Gilmour and Pink Floyd that I couldn’t ignore.

To sum everything up, I was a target of severe emotional abuse and stalking by several musicians because I knew secrets they didn’t want me to tell. I was manipulated and made to question my own sanity. I was made to feel crazy and confused. By writing about it, I’m calling out their toxic behavior. I’m standing up for myself. Pink Floyd and other helpful musicians knew what the abusers were doing to me, and they used music to give me the truth.

I am very thankful for the help of The Division Bell album. It proved that the abuse Sting, Carl Palmer, and his friends were doing to me was very real. What I went through was horrible. It was a clear case of intentional infliction of emotional distress. When someone manipulates you into believing their lies, making you question your own sanity, feelings, and facts, that’s emotional abuse

I don’t blame readers for thinking I’m some conspiracy theorist. Even though I was wrong about a few people’s intentions, I’ve believed in people, trusted them, and given them the benefit of the doubt.

I don’t mind if readers don’t believe the story. I’m brave in telling it and in seeking justice. That’s what matters most. I am successful in telling it and having people read my website. So a big thank you to the readers!!

I think it’s too much to ask of someone to vouch for me right now. People who know have much to lose in this rock star war, and that’s OK. I know, and that’s all that matters.


Before I end this story, I will talk about the new song by David Gilmour “The Piper’s Call”

Another message I received: I have to do what it takes to get the story out and there are more snakes I need to stay clear of.. the song is very self explanatory, but it also gives the names of the guilty musicians in an odd way..I will explain.

Here’s one:

“A carpe diem attitude” lyrics from The Pipers Call

Who had a Carpe Diem attitude? Carpe diem means seize the day.

From the Asia song “An Extraordinary Life”

“Go, seize the day Wake up and say

This is an extraordinary life, oh Enjoy today Come what may”

Asia couldn’t use the actual phrase “Carpe” in their lyrics, because that would be too obvious for them. The word is a combination of Carl Palmers first name and my last name of Sharpe….CARPE.

But Gilmour could use it to show you and did so twice in the song.

What the media is saying about “The Pipers Call”: “it’s about the dangers of falling under the spell of those who promise these things.”

Similar to

“While I pondered on this dangerous but irresistible pastime” “Coming Back to Life” The Division Bell

It is a continuation of The Division Bell, because the sadness continues, and the story isn’t well known yet and needs to be.

Gilmour’s new song has a similar theme as his song Rattle that Lock..

“The Piper’s call”

“Whatever it takes “Steer clear of the snakes”

“Rattle that lock”

“Whatever it takes to break, got to do it”

Whatever it takes to get this story out, I have to do it, but now I have to be more careful than before.

And many fans have connected the title “The Piper’s Call” to the song “Stairway to Heaven”. I’ve explained about that song in the story, and who and how it was used to haunt me.

Thank you to David Gilmour who is still helping me to tell the story.

Below is an image from the video for the new song.

Didn’t think there would be a visual clue in the video! But I was curious as to what was on the note paper. Then I see that a Sharpie pen was above the note and the name on the pen was blurred out.

I was called D# in the Pink Floyd newsgroup, about the Publius Enigma, years ago. D# like a musical note. My first initial is D and my last name is Sharpe. I was often called Sharpie.

I know they had to blur the company name out, but why even put it there and go through the trouble. It’s a real clue so fans will believe me.

To be soon as I can write more.